One thing I have been seing recently on Twitter is that people have been posting instructions for washing hands in order to ward off Covid-19. Originally it was to the lyrics of “Happy Birthday”, but more recently, it’s been to other lyrics, such as Salt ‘n’ Pepa’s “Push it”.

This turned out to be from a website called “Wash Your Lyrics”. Just put in an artist and song name, and it’ll get the lyrics, and fit them to a hand-washing infographic. Or, at least, that’s the theory. I tried putting in a Sex pistols song, and the site couldn’t find the lyrics, so instead rather bizzarely gave me the opening lines of the script from the movie “24 Hour Party People”, starring Steve Coogan as Factory Records founder Tony WIlson.

However, all is not lost. I found a song that the site did recognise, and now I have a new jam for wshing my hands…