As I said in a previous post, I really don’t like wearing anything on my feet, and, since early March I have not worn shoes never mind socks, wearing only sandals or flip-flops when I venture outside.

I wondered how long I could keep this up, and how long and sustained my barefootedness would last until weather forces me to fully cover up. The answer is… December 3rd! My barefoot streak lasted from March 15th to December 2nd, a total of 263 days without a shoe. And it all it took to stop that streak was some ice and snow.

To be honest, I could see it coming as it was getting colder, and the amount of times I was wearing the closed toe sandals was starting to outnumber the times I was wearing the open toes, but it was still pretty quick: on Tuesday I was wearing open-toed sandals during lunchtime, on Wednesday it was colder and I was wearing closed-toes, then on Thursday I was clumping about ice-laden pavements in heavy hiking boots.

Looking at the weather forecasts, I’m likely to be fully shod for the next couple of weeks. However, that’s only when I’m outside- and even then, I’m still not wearing socks.

EDIT: Amazingly, later today, the cold snap from yesterday has gone away so quickly, I was able go back to the closed toed sandals. I’ve even saw someone else out in pool slides. Still, it looks like it’s going to be super cold on Sunday and Monday.